Welcome......To The Goods ! ! !
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Welcome to my semi-kick ass site. As you can probably see I need to do a lot with it still, but no worries it'll be FuKiN sweet the more time I have to work on it!

Whatever, it's the first time I've done this crap so keep your criticism nice, if you don't like it then I don't wanna listen to your ShYt ! ! People ask why I have made a site about myself, boredom is the answer.

Updated On Jan.6, 2003
Made some changes to the 'All you need to know' link

Just a shout out for someone very special to me, wherever you are.


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This Is Me In Newfoundland (above)
So What Do Ya Think Soo Far? Don't Stop Now There's Lots More Pics Where That Came From!! Go To "My Pics" section.
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ENJOY YOUR VISIT INSIDE THE DEPTHS OF PURE GOODNESS!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~